- 10600 11 Mile Road, Mecosta, MI 49332
welcome to Mecosta County Rod and Gun Glub
Mecosta County Rod and gun club
- 10600 11 Mile Road, Mecosta, MI 49332
welcome to Mecosta County Rod and Gun Glub
Mecosta County Rod and gun club
- 10600 11 Mile Road, Mecosta, MI 49332
welcome to Mecosta County Rod and Gun Glub
Mecosta County Rod and gun club
Since 1946 Mecosta County Rod and Gun Club has been around. 77 years strong and still going. We take Pride in our Club and honor our Flag and our Pledge to conservation. We invite you to join Mecosta County Rod and Gun Club and enjoy all what the club has to offer.
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Upcoming events
1st Sporting Clays 1:00pm
8th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
10th Board of Directors Meeting
15th Hunter Safety Field Day 8am-1pm
22nd Sporting Clays 1pm
29th Sporting Clays 1pm
5th Trap 10:00am
Sporting clays 1:00pm
12th Trap 10:00am
Sporting Clays 1:00pm
26th Trap 10:00am
Sporting Clays 1:00pm
27th .22 Air Rifle Shoot 11:00am
3rd Clean Up Day 8:00 Am
4th Clean up If it rains on the 3rd
8th 22/Air Rifle Shoot 5:00pm
12th Board Meeting7:00pm
17th Trap 11am
17th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
18th Egg Shoot 10:00pm
24th Red Bird Trap Shoot 1:00pm
25th Memorial Breakfast 8-11 am
31st Trap 10am
31st Sporting Clays 1:00pm
7th Trap 10:00 am
7th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
9th Board Meeting 7:00pm
12th 22/Air Rifle Shoot 5:00pm
14th Back Up Trap 10:00am
14th Sub Gauge Sporting Clays 1:00pm
17th 22 Air Rifle Shoot 5:00pm
19th Youth Shooting 5:30pm
21st Trap 10:00 am
21st 2nd Annual Chicken BBQ 1:00-4:00pm
22nd Egg Shoot 10:am
26th Youth Shooting 5:30 pm
28th Red Bird Trap 10:00am
28th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
6th Trapping Seminar 9am-2pm
7th 22/Air Rifle Shoot 11:00am
8th Board Meeting 7:00pm
13th Trap 10:00am
13th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
13th Pig Roast 5:00-7:00pm
18th Air/Rifle Shoot 5:00pm
20th Pizza Trap Shoot 10:00 am
20th Sporting Clays Pizza Shoot 1:00pm
21st Egg Shoot 10:00 am
5th Trap 10:00am
5th Pump Gun Sporting Clays 1:00pm
6th 4th of July Breakfast 8-11 am
12 Skrap Trap 10:00am
12th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
14th Board Meeting 7:00pm
17th Youth Shooting 5:30pm
19th Trap 10:00am
19th Sporting Clays to Honor Deceased Members 1:00pm
20th Egg Shoot 10:00am
24th youth shooting 5:30 pm
26th Red Bird Trap 10:00am
26th Sub Gauge Sporting Clays 1:00pm
31st Youth Shooting 5:30 pm
Annual Meeting Month, bring a dish to pass and your own table setting.
5th 22/Air Rifle Shoot 11:00am
9th 22 / Air Rifle Shoot 5:00pm
13th Board Meeting 7:00pm
18th 12:00 Annual Meeting.
19th Egg Shoot 10:00am
2nd Trap 10:00am
2nd Sporting Clays 1:00pm
3rd 22/ Air Rifle Shoot 11:00am
6th Hunter Safety Classroom 5:00pm
7th Youth Shooting 5:30 pm
8th Hunter Safety Classroom 5:00pm
9th Hunter Safety Field Day 8:00am -1:00pm
11th Board Meeting 7:00pm
14th Youth Shooting 5:30pm
16th Skrap Trap 10:00am
16th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
17th Egg Shoot 10:00am
21st 22/Air Rifle Shoot 5:00pm
23rd Trap 10:00am
23rd .410 Gauge Sporting clays 1:00pm
30th Trap 10:00am
30th Sporting Clays 1:00pm
31st Labor Day Breakfast 8-11am
7th-14th Sight In Days 10:00am-4:00pm daily
10th Board Meeting 7:00pm
6th Wild Game Dinner and Auction 12:00 noon
8th Board Meeting 7:00pm
Hunter Safety
In-person Classes
We are not offering classes at this time but plan to in the future
Field Day
Field Day coming soon, You must be pre register online
Follow the link to online classes
Field Day and hunter safety Photos
We want to help you
We want to help you get your Hunter Safety Certificate.
New classes posted.